Elements of Enrolment Procedures
1. An “Application for Enrolment’ package is offered at the time of the initial enquiry.
2. Once the application for enrolment form and associated forms are received, an appointment is offered so that the Family and child/ren can visit the school and have an initial meeting with the Principal and Staff.
3. At the initial meeting, the visit will include an outline of the school’s philosophy, a tour of the school grounds and classrooms, meet and greet the teachers, and the child’s progress is also discussed.
4. A further interview with the Parents and child may be required to assist in establishing that the expectations of the School and of the Parents, can be met.
5. When the Parents decide to enrol the child and a place is available, a letter of enrolment will be sent to the Parent/s of the student/s which contains conditions of entry to the school.
6. More detailed information about policies are available from the school office.
Enrolment Form
Download an Application to Enrol Form for 2025, click here.

School Fees
Download Schedule of School Fees 2025, click here.
Download Fees Policy & Declaration 2025, click here.
*Excursions, Camp, Sport Activities etc.
are additional costs and activities will be announced throughout the year.
*Please see ‘Parent Handbook’ for more information.