Morning Circle
Morning circle is an important aspect of the school day in Neo Humanist Education. It is a time where the students are motivated daily, to expand their hearts and their minds, enjoy each other’s company and explore their inner thoughts.
Key elements present in these lessons are stories and storytelling, role plays, songs, dances, Kiirtan* and meditation, relaxation and yoga. Poetry, music and the fine arts are also incorporated. (Singing - Kiirtan*- a simple dance and song which helps to prepare the mind for meditation.)
The role of teachers in these lessons is to provide a structural foundation to equip children with the skills and opportunities necessary to develop well-rounded personalities.

Educating the Human Heart
Morning circle activities include educating the human heart.
Here we focus on the ethical, moral, spiritual and emotional development of the student.
Storytelling and stories are an integral part of Morning Circle.
They are used to inspire, encourage contemplation, discussions
and expand the students own feelings of empathy, compassion, courage, justice and love to include all people, animals and plants.
Expanding the mind
Vistara literally means ‘expansion of the psyche or mind’. Another aspect of morning circle includes daily quiet time, meditation, contemplation and relaxation. Students begin to explore the inner world of stillness and peacefulness. The aim is that students learn the skills of being able to relax and enjoy peacefulness. With daily practice students acquire life-long skills which they can access at any stage of their life.
Flexible Body
Students love the simplicity and the complexity of yoga practice. Daily practice helps students with their concentration, impulse control, focus and relaxation. It also encourages them to try new poses and witness their own progress over the course of time. Our Yoga poses are based on animals, plants and complex postures to promote strength, flexibility, balance and concentration.