Parent Participation
Parent participation and support is an invaluable
contribution to our school.
There are many ways you can be involved.
Here are just a few:

Be trained by the school and assist with reading
Participate in the activities held during National Family Reading Month
Assist in craft activities such as sewing, clay work, wood work or candle making
Join in our prop making days; with painting, sewing, designing or constructing
Let the school know what your skills and talents are so teachers can contact you to enhance the children’s learning experience
Participate in our whole school working bees
Participate or organise Fundraising activities
School promotions - become a positive Public Relations Person within the school and the wider community
Contribute by baking or cooking for any of our special events
School concert – participate in sewing costumes designing and constructing props, transportation or help with setting up and cleaning up
Join us on excursions
Create flyers for events
assist with transportation of props or costumes for the school play
possible camp or excursion venues
Assist with grant applications
Assist with Yr 6 graduation preparations
If you’ve got a green thumb, then there could be opportunities to assist with gardening