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Vistara Primary School Education
Vistara Primary School Education
Vistara Primary School Education

STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

“STEM is a purposeful integration of the four disciplines of (S)cience, (T)echnology, (E)ngineering, and (M)athematics. Also known as STEAM where The (A)rts are included).”  AIS NSW

STEM and STEAM activities provide further opportunities for students to engage in inquiry based learning and problem solving activities. Lessons can be school based, offsite, plugged and unplugged.


Robotics – Students code, design, build, include light sensors and program EV3 Robots to do specific tasks such as;


  • Navigate a maze and avoiding forbidden tiles.

  • Dance challenge, where two robots follow a choreographed routine usually accompanied by music chosen by the students.

  • Robo–Sumo challenge where two robots are placed in a circular ring, The first one to manoeuvre the other robot outside of the ring, wins.


Science & Engineering Challenges – Students participate in challenging problem solving activities


  • Build artificial fingers and a thumb for the bionic hand so that the hand can pick up objects of different sizes and weights.

  • Design and construct a tower that will hold as many weights as possible in both static (no vibration) and seismic (earthquake) conditions.

  • Build a water wheel that produces as much electricity as possible when water flows through it.




Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Mathematics

Vistara Primary School - Robotics
Vistara Primary School - Robotics
Vistara Primary School - Robotics
Vistara Primary School - Robotics


  • Design and create a drawbot out of art materials and a simple electric motor so that your drawbot draws concentric circles; meanwhile exploring the concept of atoms and vibration.


Box Bots

  • Using recycled materials, timber, cardboard, batteries electrical wires and craft materials to create ‘Box bots’ or Box Robots.

  • The Box Bots needed to be able to turn, go up and down obstacles and race another Box bot.

Digital Futures Excursion to Brisbane


This was an immersive and experiential space presenting students with new concepts, prompting students  to ask questions and start thinking about some of the issues surrounding our ‘digital future’. For e.g.  smart cities and digital bodies, interact and experience life-like animal robots assisting people with Alzheimer’s, explore topographical map with hands on interaction, learn mindfulness from a machine, participate in 3D art and share their dreams and predictions for the future.

Vistara Primary School - Robotics

Vistara Primary School  41 Richmond Hill Road, Richmond Hill NSW 2480

02 66 244 127 

© 2022

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